
“If it had not been for the University Studies program, I would have dropped out of college because it was important for me to have a degree that fit my passion, drive, and interests. Thankfully, I found that the Bachelor of Science in University Studies fit me perfectly because I was able to customize my classes. The BS-US transformed my life because I was able to graduate and can now apply what I learned and truly pay it forward by positively changing the lives of people I work with daily, in the community and in the state of North Carolina. ”
-Maurice Carter

“I always knew I wanted to be a Pirate, and I wanted to work in higher education. When I applied to ECU, I was working at a university in Washington State and knew if I wanted to advance my work in higher education, I had to get my bachelor’s degree. I originally applied for a traditional major at ECU but hit a snag. Because I did not reside in North Carolina, I was unable to complete my original major on campus. I was devastated. I wanted to stay at ECU and did not know where to turn. The Bachelor of Science in University Studies afforded me the ability to be an online student and take diverse courses related to educational services. Thanks to the BS-US, I have advanced my work in higher education and graduated with a Master of Arts in Higher Education Administration.”
-Leah Flint

“My journey through college was a long and winding road. It passed through three different schools over a period of 10 years, as an active-duty Marine, and as a civilian. My time with the University Studies program provided me with a unique experience, that no other program could have provided. In completing my bachelor’s degree, I was able to transfer all my previous credits and create a customized course of study that interested me. Without this program I am not sure when, or if, I would ever have completed my degree. Since I graduated, I have been accepted into a Master of Education program. I would highly recommend the University Studies program to anyone, especially non-traditional students. Go Pirates!”
-Joseph Justin Rodriguez

“As a 32-year-old mother of two and a wife that needs to continue to work full-time, I felt a sense of relief and joy come over me when I found out about the University Studies degree. I did not want all my hard work and accumulated college credits to be in vain and needed an online degree option. I decided to pursue the Bachelor of Science in University Studies because it met all my needs. Plus, I always dreamed of graduating from East Carolina University! This degree is such a blessing for those who struggle with the same issues as me. I am thankful for the chance to continue to work towards my degree and further my education.”
-Jennifer Gharam

“Because of my job in another part of the state, traveling to and from East Carolina University to attend classes was impossible. The Bachelor of Science in University Studies online path to graduation is a perfect fit for me to continue working full time and simultaneously obtain my degree. As I am currently in a career I love, my classes at ECU have already assisted me in many day-to-day tasks. Once I graduate from ECU I plan to own and operate my own business in my hometown of High Point, North Carolina. The classes I have taken for my University Studies degree will assist me in making the right decisions as a business owner and flourish in the industry for years to come.”
-Tucker Hall

“Como una orgullosa ECU Pirate … ¡Siempre he tenido un gran interés en apoyar y retribuir a mi comunidad! En el camino, encontré muchas barreras para poder seguir la carrera que quería. El Programa de Estudios Universitarios me ayudó a dar forma a mi plan de estudios de acuerdo con lo que sabía que quería lograr y recibí las herramientas necesarias para satisfacer las necesidades de mi título.
Obtuve una licenciatura en Estudios Universitarios con especialización en Salud y Bienestar y una especialización en Psicología. Con eso, ahora puedo defender y esforzarme por mejorar los resultados de salud de la población Latinx del Área del Triángulo desde un punto de vista de Salud Pública, brindando accesibilidad a las vacunas Covid-19, acceso a la atención médica, promoción de la salud y recursos, trabajando en proyectos de investigación y construyendo una academia de trabajadores comunitarios de salud para multiplicar los esfuerzos.”
-Paola Rodriguez

“The University Studies program helped me make a smooth transition back into college after having been in the transportation industry for almost 14 years. The program allowed me to combine credits across multiple majors to create a degree that encompasses my current and future career goals.”
-Liz Hanes

“The Bachelor of Science in University Studies was the stepping stool I needed to further my education. After graduating with the BS-US, I completed a Master of Science in Business Analytics and am now in a career I love. None of this would have been possible without the University Studies program!”
-Travish Hicks

“The University Studies program provided me with the exact education I wanted. As an older student, I wanted a degree that would make me the best employee and colleague. I found that in the University Studies program.”
-Juli Kidd