University Studies

Complete your journey with US!

Since 2014, more than 2,500 individuals have proudly earned a Bachelor of Science in University Studies (BS-US) from East Carolina University. Offered through the Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, the University Studies major offers a flexible and personalized academic path for learners seeking an option outside of traditional majors at ECU.  The BS-US can be completed entirely on-line, or on-campus, and allows students to build on their previous coursework and transfer credits, providing a unique opportunity to tailor their education to fit their personal and professional aspirations.  With the support of expert advisors, University Studies students craft an individualized degree that aligns with their academic, career, and/or personal goals.

Graphic announcing 10th year anniversary of the University Studies service offering

The Bachelor of Science in University Studies is perfect for students with a higher number of completed credit hours (a minimum of 75 earned hours is required to declare), transfer students, military affiliated students, and “Finish” students (former Pirates who left ECU without a degree) who need a degree that is flexible, personalized, and rewarding.

While earning a bachelor’s degree is a big commitment, the rewards are plentiful and within your reach.  A brighter economic future, more career possibilities, and a greater sense of personal fulfillment are all possible with the completion of our BS-US!

University Studies at a glance:

Student Enrollment Status

Bar graph showing the distribution of student enrollment with 52% represented by a blue bar indicating full-time students and 48% represented by an orange bar indicating part-time students. The bars are labeled accordingly, illustrating the proportion of full-time and part-time enrollment.

48% Part-time
52% Full-time

Online Vs. On-Campus

Pie chart depicting the breakdown of student attendance preferences. The chart includes three segments: 79% labeled 'Online Only' in purple, 18% labeled 'Hybrid' in gold, and 3% labeled 'On-campus' in gray. The percentages reflect the proportion of students in each attendance category.

79% online only
18% Hybrid
3% On-campus

Student Age Distribution

Pie chart graph illustrating the distribution of student ages. The graph is divided into two segments: 51% represented by a purple bar indicating students aged 25 or older, and 49% represented by a gold bar indicating students aged 24 or younger. The bars are labeled accordingly, highlighting the proportion of students in each age category.

51% 25 or older
49% 24 or younger

Credits Completed Upon Entering Program

Pie chart representing the distribution of credits completed by students upon entering the program. The chart consists of two segments: 47% labeled in purple, indicating students with 75-90 credits completed, and 53% labeled in gold, indicating students with 91 or more credits completed. The percentages reflect the proportion of students in each credit range.

47% 75-90 credits
53% 91 + credits

After Graduation:

Employment: Given the vast range of interests covered by students through the self-designed BS-US, our graduates have gone into a wide range of careers in education, healthcare, media design, marketing and many other professional fields.  The completion of the BS-US also provides many graduates with advancement opportunities within their existing vocation including increased earning potential and upward mobility.

Graduate School: Many University Studies alumni choose to pursue graduate study, alternative teacher licensure, or other professional programs.

Post-Graduation Status
(as of 2021-2022)

Pie chart illustrating post-graduation statistics. The chart has three segments: 38% in purple representing the employment rate, 8% in gray representing simultaneous employment and enrollment in a program of continuing education, and 54% in gold indicating enrollment in a program of continuing education. The percentages denote the distribution of post-graduation outcomes among the surveyed population.

 38% Employment rate
8% Employment & enrollment in program of continuing education
54% Enrollment in program of continuing education

Source: ECU Analytics Portal (Spring 2021)


ECU Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

“We acknowledge the Tuscarora people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live, and recognize their continuing connection to the land, water, and air that Greenville consumes. We pay respect to the eight state-recognized tribes of North Carolina; Coharie, Eastern Band of Cherokee, Haliwa-Saponi, Lumbee, Meherrin, Occaneechi Band of Saponi, Sappony, and Waccamaw-Siouan, all Nations, and their elders past, present, and emerging.”